On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:58:38 +0100 Massimiliano Calamelli
<mcalame...@gmail.com> said:

has anyone noticed... we have a mailing list... irc channel - for different
purposes. one for instant chat, one for this kind of thing...

now "flavor of the month" social networking sits split everyone more. people
speak of "dont split the community". this does just that. facebook is a subset
of the internet userbase. what about friendster? orkut? myspace? need i go on
with the dozens of "social networking" sites we then all have to create "e
groups/users/whatever" on.

i dont say no - but i am raising the warning flag of just trying to be trendy.
you are opening a pandoras box. i know i have gotten tired of these things. i
get linked in and facebook invites almost daily. i'm tried of just clicking the
link saying "yes" or going "who the hell are you - i don't know you?" and then
proceeding to ignore the social network as almost no one actually uses it
(other than trying to get their friend count higher to make them feel good).

i know that i, for one, am not into the idea of having to "log in with my
browser" to N different social networking sites each day just to "keep up with
forums/messages/requests etc.". even a "web forum" is utterly annoying compared
to a normal mailing list run by a proper mail client with good threading. i
just dont bother participating  in even the web forums we ourselves had on
e.org due to the fact that they just split the community and conversation, take
extra time and effort to deal with on top of email, and also provide a far
inferior usability level thus discouraging me at least from bothering (

so by opening this pandoras box... you are doing a similar thing. you're
thinning the community.

so don't let me put a dampener on the whole social fun thing, but after years
of linked in and facebook invites flooding my inbox and mostly amounting to
nothing (or just more "join in a pointless facebook app like send a drink or
send a kiss or send-a-hug or god knows what else...), i'm "over it". it's a
time sink that removes whatever time i would have had for doing actual
development :). for some of you this might be all new and shiny... but me
- i happily skulk back to my email and irc windows :)

(maybe.. we just need to be better about promoting/making it easy to use these?)

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi, I'm here again with some ideas related to "Spread the word" task.
> Now the topic is: Social Networks.
> Joining social networks (mainly Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook) could
> be a easy and effective way to spread E around the world. 
> Each network has its own characteristics and purpose, so we can (must)
> differentiate our presence in each.
> ** Twitter **
> This can be assumed as a "fast way to communicate what happens".
> Short sentences (160chars, like a SMS), like "Tomorrow, 1st April E17
> will be released http://<shorturl>" or "SVN commit r40000, efm2 fully
> working http://<shorturl>", just an very little introduction to a
> something that is explained in another place.
> ** LinkedIn **
> The purpose of LinkedIn is making a professional trusted networks
> between people around the world.
> The presence of an Enlightenment group could create new contacts (and
> contracts) between E's people and commiters. 
> ** Facebook **
> There's no need to explain what is;a presence of E official group or a
> fan page could have the only purpose to aggregate users. For now I
> found only one Enlightenment user page, not updated frequently.
> Another interesting social service is FriendFeed (www.friendfeed.com).
> Having an account here means aggregate a lot of other service you use,
> and keep your friend updated about your activity.
> What do you think about?
> Regards
> Massimiliano
> PS: as usual, my english isn't so good... I hope to be clear
> - -- 
> Massimiliano Calamelli
> http://www.mcalamelli.net
> mcalame...@gmail.com
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> =ViJs
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