On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 02:52:20PM +0200, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hi,
>   Attached is a patch that move all evas module to eina module. The
> move introduce one new feature, the possibility to build module inside
> libevas directly leading the way to an all in one binary for an efl
> application.

This is indeed a very nice feature (which also makes it possible to port
efl to ecos and rtems :-) but static linking efl can be a little tricky
license wise, given that some libraries (e.g EINA) are LGPL without any
exceptions. Sorry for being slightly off topic and maybe even beating a
dead horse, but have the authors of EINA and other LGPL based libraries
in efl considered adding a static linking exceptions to the LGPL
license, like FLTK, mini-xml and many other LGPL based libraries has?

The wording could be something like:

"Static linking of applications to the XYZ library does not constitute a
derivative work and does not require the author to provide source code
for the application, use the shared XYZ libraries, or link their
applications against a user-supplied version of library XYZ."

(not sure if inline functions, macros and templates needs to be covered
as well in the above, but you get my point)

Anyway, please consider the above suggestion as this new feature opens
up for porting efl to some interesting and "more embedded" operating
systems and adding this exception will IMHO not violate the spirit of
the LGPL.

Best regards
Lars Munch

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