all I can say is ..... @$#%ing RAD!!! thanks :)

2009/11/8 Thanatermesis <>

> Now the skel module is a bit more documented, at least more useful for who
> try to look at its code for the first time and want to understand "how that
> works?" without previous knowledges of E/EFL
> Now there's only one thing needed to motivate new ppl to make e17 modules,
> something "to see".
> The ppl dont' read, not much ppl at least... the ppl are lazy to download
> something and to try it, the best is a tutorial explaining the creation of
> an e17 module, but finally, what's better for that than a video that shows
> how we can build and customize an e17 module in less than 10 minutes ? :)
> Hope you like it :)
> Thanatermesis
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