On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 13:51, Christopher Michael
<cpmicha...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Quickpanel windows are not meant as a replacement for Indicator.
> Quickpanel windows are a seperate beast all together. Quickpanels are
> meant as simple windows which slide in & out via clicks on the
> Indicator. Quickpanel windows should not be set as a DOCK type....also,
> there is no need for reserving strut space with them. See
> e/trunk/PROTO/elm_quickpanel for an example. Currently, there is no way
> that I am aware of to remove the background window in E17.

Thank you for the very clear explanation; I succeded in making my
panel an indicator and my desktop screen an illume home :-)
What I don't understand is using illume zones; what are they? There is
one or more for each X11 root, isn't it?

I wrote also a kind of "idle screen" window, that raises when idle;
it's not fullscreen (doesn't cover the panel) but must behaviour like
a fullscreen window (ie always on top). Setting the above state seems
to work.
But there are some stacking issues; for example, opening two windows
and then closing the last opened one, the next which takes the focus
is my home screen, and other opened window can't take the focus
anymore until the WM explicitly gives to it (ie by using switcher
buttons). Is the illume stacking management wrong, or should I set
some property to my home screen window?

Thank you again, good night.

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