As many of you are aware, much of our documentation ranges from being
somewhat poor to nonexistent.  If we are seriously considering any sort
of release in the near future, as we seem to be gearing up for with
things like official code formatting, we need to fix this.

I propose that as of now, patches implementing new EAPI functions which
are not accompanied by appropriate doxygen docs be rejected until the
docs have been written.  This will cut down on the work for people like
me, who have been actively trying to fill in the gaps.

I cannot be everywhere to babysit all commits and write READABLE docs
for them, nor do I want to.  People need to start helping out with this.
Even if
everyone only takes one function to document every day, we could have
all of the documentation for EFL done within a matter of weeks.  If you
would like a reference as to how helpful docs can be, compare the
documentation for ecore_con between revisions 50000 and current HEAD.

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