2010/11/30 Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@partner.samsung.com>:
> On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 13:31 -0200, Iván Briano (Sachiel) wrote:
>> Yes, on top of dead serious, I'm dead lazy and didn't say but the minimum.
> You are not lazy! You volunteered to manage the weekly reports, that has
> to count for something...

Oh yeah... I volunteered, how could I forget that?
Now back to being dead serious, I wonder what everyone else is thinking
about this conversation in the publics lists.
And I just noticed the E Users list was dropped, which also makes me wonder
if the people that doesn't subscribe to e-devel is now waiting for Season 2 or
something like that.

Yeah, dead serious. All the time.

> --
> Tom.

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