On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 08:09:28 +0100
Ralph Sennhauser <gentoo.s...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:36:32 -0500
> Mike Blumenkrantz <m...@zentific.com> wrote:
> > We have a lot of users who would benefit from more frequent snapshots
> > of e17. Since snapping e by itself is not much effort, how would
> > people feel about doing a new snap every two weeks?  Someone would
> > have to make dist-bzip2 every 2 weeks and upload somewhere, and it
> > would probably take 20-30 seconds.  Hell I'd even do it myself if it
> > would reduce the number of times a week I tell people to switch to
> > latest svn from snapshots.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > 
> I would rather do a snapshot if it's worth it and not after a specific
> schedule. I mean a packager is likely not keen on packaging e17 every
> second week just because the new snapshot is two weeks newer. For him
> it's more than the 20-30 seconds usually. And if you don't get them on
> board nothing is gained.
> I get the impression from your view a new snapshot would currently be
> worth it.
There have been 1000+ commits since the last snap.  HAL is now actually
optional in e, gadman sucks slightly less, lots of randr bugs fixed, etc.

Mike Blumenkrantz
Zentific: NULL pointer dereferences now 50% off!

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