On 01/22/2011 10:04 PM, hannes.janet...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> It now seems necessary to run the composite module (or another composite
>>>> manager) for itask-ng to be displayed correctly. It that a prerequisite
>>>> now?
>>> yes, it is. and yea a dialog box giving this info should be added.
>> Hm, ok. And the old behavior couldn't be added again? I prefer to not use
>> composite, until recently it tended to be less stable (at least for me).
> Supporting shaped windows did complicate stuff quite a bit. It needs
> redirection of all events/dnd through a separate input window. The
> code was messy and I thought no one will use shaped window mode
> anymore. thats why I removed it. Anyway now things cleaned up I added
> a separate path for shaped windows.

Thanks for reintroducing it. Because of bugs in the graphics drivers, 
the only way I can use itask-ng (for an significant length of time) is 
in the non-composite mode.

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