Hello all,

The widgets are:
an elm_scroller contains an elm_box, which packs a list of elm_entry objects.

Loading a long list of elm_entries (100+) is somehow slow on my device
and the user may skip to the very end of the list.
Therefore, to improve responsiveness, when the user skips to a
particular entry, that entry is loaded immediately and the ones below
are loaded subsequently in an idler.
There is an entry populating idler that will later pack the remaining
elm_entries above the entry being viewed.  However, when the ones
above the currently viewed entry are getting packed into the elm_box,
the entry being viewed will be pushed down and go off screen.

Is there a way to maintain the viewport of the scroller, or fix the
viewport on a particular object?  Or there's a better way of handling

Thanks in advance.



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