On 04/12/2011 06:15 AM, Dave Ray wrote:
On Apr 11, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Sebastian Dransfeld wrote:

On 04/12/2011 04:27 AM, Dave Ray wrote:
On Apr 11, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Sebastian Dransfeld wrote:


That explains it, thanks.
So on MacOSX I will need to write a script that mimics xdg menu information, if 
I want anything to show up in this Applications menu.

Isn't it simpler to create a menu file like this which suits osx and install it?

Yes, but that config file you attached has no apps listed in it, just app 
categories. I would need other files with actual paths to apps, app names, etc. 
I'm still trying to learn where they should go and what they contain.

Only X11 apps should be listed in the e17 Apps menu. On MacOS, X11 apps are a 
small fraction of the installed apps, so i need to selectively find just the 
X11 apps and list those. It would be great for a script to auto-detect what X11 
apps  been installed since the last time it was run, and update the menu config.

There are package managers for MacOS that manage X11 installations, but they 
come with an all-or-nothing mega-installation of dozens of packages (MacPorts 
and Fink). They are OS-specific and heavily patched. I have been trying to 
avoid these large installations to keep things simple and to minimize running 
processes. I prefer to dual-boot natively into Ubuntu of I want o full-blown 
X11 environment. And I don't even know if those installations provide what's 
needed for e17 menus. From this perspective, I'm not siure if the menu issue is 
worth the trouble on MacOS, I'm just trying to see how hard it would be to 
implement a script for a working Applications menu on a simple setup.

Then match only on filename like this menu. Which is built by the favorites menu editor in e17, and the file ends up in

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN" "http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-1.0.dtd";>
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