On 09/12/2011 08:19 PM, Jeff Hoogland wrote:
> So - Enlightenment is no longer looking in the folder
> linux-gnu-i486-ver-pre-svn-08 for modules. Meaning a few modules that work
> well still aren't working any longer.
> I know deskshow and rain where still like this last time I checked out SVN.
> Can someone with SVN please update these folder names to be
> linux-gnu-i686-ver-pre-svn-08
> so these modules start working again by default?

Just checked on this. It's not a problem with the modules. During the 
configure stage, autofoo does some checking for the Host Os and Host 

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(E, [enlightenment])
release=$(pkg-config --variable=release enlightenment)

Which would give linux-gnu-i686 here

This is pretty standard autofoo for about every module (aside from ones 
included in E by default). So basically, it appears a problem with the 
build. Looking like E was built for 486, while the modules are being 
built for 686.

'pkg-config --variable=modules enlightenment' Will be the location that 
E is expecting modules to be installed in.

I just compared the rain & deskshow 'configure.ac' files with a few 
other ones (screenshot, elfe, etc, etc) and there is no difference (wrt 
module_arch) in any of them.


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