On 06/10/11 04:32, EunMi Lee wrote:
> Dear Tom,
> Thanks for reporting that issue :)
> I could not think about event_flags problem when I add touch event.
> So, I'm trying to solve that problem and I'd like to share my idea.
> The basic idea is "connecting event_flags between mouse(multi) event and 
> touch event".
> Actually touch event comes from mouse(multi) event, so I think they can be 
> connected.
> - touch down comes from mouse down and multi down.
> - touch move comes from mouse move and multi move.
> - touch up comes from mouse up and multi up.
> In the current code, mouse(multi) event is sent to all object and then touch 
> event is sent to the all object again.
> I think we can send mouse(multi) event and touch event at a time for one 
> object.
> It means, "send mouse(multi) event to the first object and then send touch 
> event to the first object, and repeat that for all objects"
> If it is done, I think I can add event_flags for touch event and then pass 
> event_flags from mouse(multi) event to touch event and pass to the 
> mouse(multi) event again.
> I will be brief as follows:
> ----------------------------------------------
> set mouse/multi event's event_flags to the touch event's one.
> send touch event to the object with event_flags.
> set changed touch event's event_flags to the mouse/multi event's event_flags.
> -----------------------------------------------

I think it'll work, with emphasis on sending it one level at a time (i.e 
one object at a time) because otherwise you depend on what comes first, 
mouse_down or touch_event.

The real question is: do you really need it? What we did to overcome the 
lack of a unified object in gesture_layer was "normalizing" input 
events. We just created our own touch_event internally, and converted 
mouse_down/multi_down (or any other event) to them, only in our code.

What do you think about removing this from upstream and moving it to 
your code?

Everyone else: what do you think?


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