On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 00:34:53 -0700 Benjamin Drucker
<benjamin.t.druc...@alum.mit.edu> said:

> I have am using map rotation of images in my edje script.  My image,
> which is a png with alpha, when rotated on the z-axis, looks like one
> or two pixel colums from the right are wrapped to the left and a
> couple of rows at the bottom are wrapped up to the top.  Very odd.
> Check out my attached .edj file.
> Is this a bug?  Is there a work-around?

ok. we had a few issues here.

1. your edje file was wrong with offsets. you actually were scaling the arrow
up to be 32x32 pixels. i fixed it (attached edj). i also added lotsd of more
testing to it as you'll see.
2. when fixed you are rotating a 31x31 image.. around a point.... problem is
rotation points are integer. that means it actually offsets a bit when rotated.
i suggest you make it 32x32. not much to be done here.

3. some coordinate transforms transforming the vertices's did actually round
badly. fixed in svn now.
3. yes - it did round off in a particular way in the actual pixel
interpolation (affine transform handler) due to the fixed point code and the
way it walked texture u/v coords. i've kind of hacked it up to better handle
these special cases, but in reality i should make a real special-case routine
for handling 90 degree rotations (or flips) as its a much more optimal case to
handle, but it's never really been common. so svn has 'better but not perfect'

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

Attachment: rot-test.edj
Description: Binary data

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