If it is NULL, it just returns -1.
Because ecore_file_remove() func. uses linux remove() func.
On error, remove() func just returns -1.
and return value is not needed.

From: Sanjeev <as2902.b@sa...> -        2011-10-31 06:25

What happens when gi->file is NULL ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bluezery [mailto:ohpowel@...]
Sent: 31 October 2011 14:54
To: enlightenment-devel@...
Subject: [E-devel] [Patch] elm_map: add image loading error handling

Dear all

I made a bug fix for elm_map.
When a downloaded image has an error, ,  elm_map removes a file and goes on
just like download succeeded .
However, it is not success, so it should be marked as FALSE for later retry.

Can anyone review this simple patch? :)

Index: elm_map.c
--- elm_map.c   (리비전 64538)
+++ elm_map.c   (작업 사본)
@@ -1186,7 +1186,12 @@ _tile_update(Grid_Item *gi)
    gi->download = EINA_FALSE;
    evas_object_image_file_set(gi->img, gi->file, NULL);
    if (evas_object_image_load_error_get(gi->img) != EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE)
-     ecore_file_remove(gi->file);
+     {
+        WRN("Image loading error (%s)", gi->file);
+        ecore_file_remove(gi->file);
+        gi->have = EINA_FALSE;
+        return;
+     }

    obj_rotate_zoom(gi->wd->obj, gi->img);

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