On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 21:41:21 +0100 Vincent Torri
<vincent.to...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey
> Currently, there are a lot of problems with Visual Studio compiler
> (vc++):
> * inline ASM does not follow the same syntax
> * some POSIX features are used and are not supported by the win32  API
> * idem for some C99 features
> Which means a lot of work if I support vc++. For what ?
> I'm currently providing MinGW packages and an NSIS installer with
> mingw-w64 cross compilers. If some people want to *use* Visual studio
> and the EFL to build a library or a program, they can use the
> DLL/header files/import libraries provided by the packages or by the
> installer, but I actually see no point in providing support for the
> *compilation* of the EFL with vc++.
> On the other hand, i'm not a Windows expert, so I maybe am missing
> some important point.
> What do you think ?

I have a huge project I work on - a fork of the Second Life viewer for
virtual worlds.  Actually, it's a fork of a fork, third party viewer
forks are popular.  Mostly coz the official one sucks, but at least
they open sourced it.

I intend to convert it over to EFL at some stage, thinking that will
help to make the code base more sane.  Under Windows it uses VC++,
under Linux it uses GCC.  Not sure what it does under Mac, but I don't
have a Mac either, nor access to one at a 'net cafe or anything.

Currently it uses the concept of "pre built open source libraries", so
EFL might fit into the same category.  Thus EFL would be pre built under
whatever works best for it, but used under VC++.

On the other hand - I'd really love to be able to cross compile the
Windows viewer under Linux, as I don't actually have Windows.  I have to
go to a local 'net cafe, spend three hours installing a development
environment from USB key (their hard drives are rebuilt on reboot), then
an hour or two compiling the viewer.  Since I pay by the hour, that's
four or five hours I would save if I could compile it at home, then
bring it to the cafe to test.  I would only have to test before a
release, and if there are Windows specific bugs my users point out.

So it's on my TODO to get the Windows viewer cross compiling under MinGW
or similar on Linux.

It's also on my TODO to get rid of the pre built libraries concept.
But either way, I'm not gonna be wasting time doing the pre builds
under VC++ unless the specific library requires it.  Most are open
source libraries that are cross platform and generally just use
autotools and gcc.

So my vote is for - drop VC++ compiling if it's such a pain, but make
sure it's still easy to use EFL with VC++.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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