On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Stefan Schmidt <s.schm...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> Just want to check if this is intended. It seems only the directory
> structure is still there for trunk/evil. Well, some more files like m4
> macros, etc, but surely no source code files.
> To me it looks like 76464 was not a copy but a move of the files to
> trunk/efl. Maybe this was on purpose and the rest is only there to be
> merged in. Just want to check. :)

i did a move instead of a copy (to efl/). I don't plan to add anything
in the next weeks int it, so a move was not bad. And as i'm the only
one who cares about compiling the efl on windows... I have forgotten
to remove the old files, indeed


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