On 01/10/2012 09:06, Guillaume Friloux wrote:
Hello e people,

I am having difficulties with a simple app.
While developping an internal tool that syncs files depending on their presence in an SQL DB, I got some problems, one with eina_lock, and one with ecore.

Cedric is aware of both problems, but it seems very hard to understand what goes wrong, so i post on the ML to see if anyone can spot the issue. The eina_lock problem has been understood by cedric, i wont speak of it here, i am more concerned by the ecore issue.

Here is a simplified source code that can trigger the issue : http://pastebin.com/at8fMTKd

Eio will do his work, but in some case, the end_cb (_list_cb_done()) will never be called (so i might also not have all the calls to _list_cb() and _list_cb_filter())

Here is the backtrace i get when the app seems to "freeze" : http://pastebin.com/WVayFsKQ So it seems ecore is waiting for events while eio has finished its work (eio's thread exited)

To ease trigger the bug, here is a directory having lots of subdirs : https://paranoia.abuser.eu/deduplication.tgz (238MiB file)

Is anyone able to reproduce and/or find whats wrong ?
Has anyone tried to reproduce ?

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