Hi everyone,

As there's a clear lack of EFL based libraries :P I've written one for
the TheTVDB.com[1] API. I initially started with this for a tool I'm
working on, but figured it might be useful for other people, maybe
writing video players and such.

The library is basically a C frontend to the TVDB XML api, it parses
the XML to C structures.
For parsing Eina simple xml is used, for downloading cURL; no other
It is meant to be high level and produce directly usable data.

So far, there are enough function to make it useful (I think), but not
the full TVDB API is represented and not all properties TVDB offers
are used yet.

This is the first library I've ever written and I'm certainly not a
professional programmer, so it will contain bugs. I'd be very happy
for any constructive feedback and any contribution, but be kind. :)

Long story short; if you're interested, the code is on github[2], and
there's also documentation[3] available.


[1]: http://thetvdb.com
[2]: https://github.com/tg--/etvdb
[3]: http://etvdb.gstaedtner.net/doc

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