Hey there,

I added a new gdb command eo_backtrace. It essentially prints the 
backtrace but filters out all the lines that are from inside eo.

Also, if you use a recent enough gdb (I don't know how recent it should 
be, I know it doesn't work on Ubuntu 12.04 but does on recent arch), you 
get automatic module loading. This means you don't have to load the 
python module manually, it'll be automatically loaded when debugging 
objects that link against eo. You can also set older gdb version to 
always load the module (only adds commands so it's fine).

If you install the efl to a different prefix than the one gdb was 
installed to, you have to either set gdb's data dir/trusted module path 
to the correct one, or just symlink the gdb python file to the proper 
place. For example, assuming you installed eo to "/usr/local" and gdb to 
"/usr", link /usr/local/share/gdb/auto-load/libeo* to 

Have fun, and let me know if you face any issues.


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