On 11/11/13 10:25, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> As this Saturday we will see our beloved president of the
> Enlightenment foundation in Korea, Philippe Caseiro (Not bad for an
> introduction, I think I should be doing marketing !). I think it will
> be a good idea to plan a little diner in Seoul. So who is in on
> Saturday night ? And also maybe it would be nice to find a good Korean
> restaurant, so if anyone as a recommendation, do not be shy ! As it
> will be Saturday, we might need to book in advance, so please raise
> your hand if you are planning to come.
> Enjoy the party,
> -- 
> Cedric BAIL

Unfortunately, I'm not going to make it this evening. I'll be busy all
day tomorrow and I just got my Internet connection back 15 minutes ago,
thanks to a KT technician who fixed up the line.
Running out of time...

Jérôme Pinot

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