billiob pushed a commit to branch master.

commit c93c431279a0aeba45413fd9d8b74378b4b25854
Author: Boris Faure <>
Date:   Wed Dec 4 22:50:21 2013 +0100

    have a list with the keybindings
    This is ugly, makes evas complain… but it's better than nothing and users
    might discover the bindings about the "tab" switcher…
    And we're in feature-freeze.
 src/bin/options_keys.c | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bin/options_keys.c b/src/bin/options_keys.c
index 56d6683..e8fef8c 100644
--- a/src/bin/options_keys.c
+++ b/src/bin/options_keys.c
@@ -9,12 +9,54 @@
 options_keys(Evas_Object *opbox, Evas_Object *term EINA_UNUSED)
-   Evas_Object *o;
+   Evas_Object *o, *fr, *li, *lbl;
-   o = elm_label_add(opbox);
+   fr = o = elm_frame_add(opbox);
    evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
    evas_object_size_hint_align_set(o, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
-   elm_object_text_set(o, "Not Implemented Yet.");
-   evas_object_show(o);
+   elm_object_text_set(o, "Key Bindings");
    elm_box_pack_end(opbox, o);
+   evas_object_show(o);
+   li = elm_list_add(o);
+   elm_list_mode_set(li, ELM_LIST_LIMIT);
+   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(li, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
+   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(li, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
+   elm_object_content_set(fr, li);
+#define KB(_action, _keys) do {                               \
+   lbl = elm_label_add(li);                                   \
+   elm_object_text_set(lbl, _keys);                           \
+   elm_list_item_append(li, _action, NULL, lbl, NULL, NULL);  \
+} while (0)
+   KB("Scroll one page up", "Shift + PgUp");
+   KB("Scroll one page down", "Shift + PgDn");
+   KB("Paste Clipboard (ctrl+v/c) selection", "Shift + Insert");
+   KB("Paste Clipboard (ctrl+v/c) selection", "Ctrl + Shift + v");
+   KB("Paste Primary (highlight) selection", "Shift + Ctrl + Insert");
+   KB("Paste Primary (highlight) selection", "Alt + Return");
+   KB("Copy current selection to clipboard", "Ctrl + Shift + c");
+   KB("Copy current selection to clipboard", "Shift+Keypad-Divide");
+   KB("Font size up 1", "Shift+Keypad-Plus");
+   KB("Font size down 1", "Shift+Keypad-Minus");
+   KB("Reset font size to 10", "Shift+Keypad-Multiply");
+   KB("Split horizontally (new below)", "Ctrl + Shift + PgUp");
+   KB("Split vertically (new on right)", "Ctrl + Shift + PgDn");
+   KB("Focus to previous terminal", "Ctrl + PgUp");
+   KB("Focus to next terminal", "Ctrl + PgDn");
+   KB("Create new \"tab\"", "Ctrl + Shift + t");
+   KB("Bring up \"tab\" switcher", "Ctrl + Shift + Home");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 1", "Ctrl + 1");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 2", "Ctrl + 2");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 3", "Ctrl + 3");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 4", "Ctrl + 4");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 5", "Ctrl + 5");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 6", "Ctrl + 6");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 7", "Ctrl + 7");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 8", "Ctrl + 8");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 9", "Ctrl + 9");
+   KB("Switch to terminal tab 10", "Ctrl + 0");
+   KB("Enter command mode", "Alt + Home");
+#undef KB


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