
On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 12:36, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> There is a chance that this year we can have the time to setup a booth
> at LinuxTag in Berlin. We already have 3 peoples that showed interest
> on being there. But as you may know or will after reading the call for
> projects, we need to have that booth running for 3 days (May 8 to May
> 10). So those poor 3 souls will be dead if they are the only one to go
> there and make presence. We understand that everyone doesn't have the
> time to show for the full 3 days, but if only for one day, it will
> help.
> So who can and want to help ? You don't need to be a developer, just
> showing what you do with Enlightenment is the only requirement here,
> so any user of E will fit the requirement :-)

To make this successful and not only stressed out for some people I
would like to see at least 6 or 7 different people helping with the
booth. At least 2 people at the booth at all times and the rest having
some time to wander around and relax or listening to talks.

I have manned a booth at LinuxTag before and it was really stressful
if you have to be there everyday the whole time.

This should not sound to negative I just want to set the
people-helping-out bar high enough to make it a good experience. It
would for sure help us to attract more people trying out our software.
Especially as we now have e17, e18 and even e19 in the pipeline
combined with efl/elm releases.

Stefan Schmidt

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