We recently have a issue with entrance since end of december, where
entrance can't detect well the start of a window manager. And I think this
is your problem. I do a recent commit to fix this one(tonight, a few
minutes ago ^^). I really need a new laptop to be more reactive :P.  So
please update and tell me if something wrong !

2014-03-06 22:17 GMT+00:00 Chris Seekamp <cseek...@acm.org>:

> I am trying to get the entrance display manager working on the Bodhi 3.0.0
> alpha, which is e19.  It appears to start X (I see a brief X appear) but I
> get a blank screen. I am unable to use Ctrl-Alt-F1...F6 to switch VTs once
> I start entrance. I used the debian pam.d file I believe. I see one error
> in the entrance.log which I don't understand. I downloaded the source from
> git in the last few days.  I am attaching the entrance log file. The Xorg
> log file does not show any errors, but its existence implies that entrance
> is indeed starting X.  I am able to use lightdm as a display manager just
> fine.
> I looked for configuration information on entrance, but did not find a
> lot.  For example with other display managers you have to tell them to
> start enlightenment. I guess that isn't done with entrance because it
> assumes enlightenment?  BTW, I tried configuring a default user and default
> login, but that did not work either.
> I would appreciate any tips on how to debug and/or configure entrance.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Chris Seekamp
> cseek...@acm.org
> (sent using Thunderbird on my Lenovo Chromebook running Bodhi Linux)
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