
   I have been testing the new E18 on my notebook, which has an Intel GMA 3150
   graphics chip, and it is terribly slow. I have been searching for a solution
   on Google but all I found was this:

On Sun, 1 Dec 2013 19:29:49 -0600 Jeff Hoogland <JeffHoogland@...> said:

> It is in fact the 3150

THAT would be your problem then. that gpu is the black sheep of the intel gpu
family. it's "half accelerated". it has a hw fragment shader but NOT a hw
vertex shader. it is the ONLY gpu i know of that does this. they either have
both, or none. in the case of none - evas gl engine fails to init. :) what you
see if intel's driver using a software fallback vertex shader emulation.

there isn't much to be done here. the difference between e17 and e18 is that
e18 exposes more geometry to the gpu. in all cases except the 3150, this is in
fact highly efficient and saves memory and overhead. the whole reason you can
now do shaped borders with no extra "major cost" in e18 is because we do this.

even keith packard advises to ignore that gpu and pretend it never existed. :)
and he works at intel. :)

   Basically, I am wondering if there is some way of limiting the geometry, and
   not completely disabling OpenGL, maybe some intel patch, I am not very savvy
   in OpenGL or E so basically I wouldn't know where to start looking to make
   such a patch. As I saw E is a window manager that tries to be light and
   well, it is basically for older/less powerfull computers (as I understand,
   and the reason I started using it), and a lot of notebooks are using this
   GMA 3150 chipset, so I think it would be a shame if this problem is simply

   Here is a list of notebooks using this card (all Atom Pineview N4XX, D4XX,
   N5XX,  D5XX use it, basically everything Intel Atom based from 2008 to

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