
Triggered from the Evas 3D commits I talked with jpeg about having a
flag that controls if unstable API's are enabled or not.

This would allow us to have big new features, I have Evas 3D in mind
here, in the coe base but have it hidden behind an BETA API flag so we
are not bound to stick with the API until we are happy with it.

It should not be used to get all kind of crap into the code base
though. I see it as a mechanism to give the code time to mature for
one more release cycle. If we are happy with the API we will remove
the BETA guards around it. On the other hand if we still are not happy
with it after 3 months in the new cycle we can as well remove it from
the master branch and give it more love before it will go in again.

Jpeg was thinking about it for new functionaliyt of an existing API. I
guess we could handle this as well.

How do you folks feel about this? Is it needed, usefull or a total
crappy idea?

Stefan Schmidt

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