On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:19:39 -0700 Jason Gerecke <killert...@gmail.com> said:
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jason Gerecke <killert...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >> On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:56:56 -0800 Jason Gerecke <killert...@gmail.com>
>> >> said:
>> >>
>> >> finally coming back to this. christmas/new years etc. has kept me busy
>> >> along with other things and this mail has been on my todo. it's one of 3
>> >> last outstanding ones to e-devel.
>> >>
>> >>> Hello again! Had some other priorities come up, and then vacation, but
>> >>> I've recently gotten back to scratching my head and poking around the
>> >>> code.
>> >>
>> >> as with everyone. :)
>> >>
>> >>> My idea at the moment is to create a new "axis updated"
>> >>> event/callback. Applications that register for it would be notified
>> >>> whenever a device axis changed and have access to a snapshot of the
>> >>> current state. This has a number of advantages over modifying the
>> >>> existing 'mouse' or 'multi' events:
>> >>>
>> >>>  * The change should be ABI compatible
>> >>>  * Multi events are not abused to mean "any kind of extended pointer"
>> >>>  * Cleaner API that keeps mouse and multi APIs focused on their
>> >>> "usual" use-cases
>> >>>  * "Unusual" axes are only sent to apps that are actually interested
>> >>>  * The event can be reasonably sent for many kinds of input devices
>> >>> (mouse, touch, stylus, 6DOF "spaceball", knob controller, etc.)
>> >>
>> >> ok - while this means you don't get instant emulation support in existing
>> >> apps, it does mean it's cleaner when you REALLY want a pen.
>> >>
>> >>> This approach does wind up duplicating some data that's already
>> >>> available through the "standard" events (e.g. stylus X/Y or
>> >>> touchscreen tilt). I don't think that's really an issue though: the
>> >>> axis event should be viewed as /supplemental/ to any data delivered by
>> >>> the standard events. You should be able to interchangeably use either
>> >>> source for the duplicated data without too much trouble.
>> >>>
>> >>> I've scratched out the following definitions with the aim of making
>> >>> something that will be easy to keep forward-compatible, and flexible
>> >>> enough to handle many kinds of input devices:
>> >>>
>> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> >>> enum _Ecore_Axis_Name {
>> >>>      UNKNOWN,
>> >>>      X, /* Position along physical X axis; ????? units. */
>> >>>      Y, /* Position along physical Y axis; ????? units. */
>> >>>      PRESSURE, /* Normalized force applied to tool tip; Range: [0.0, 1.0]
>> >>> */ DISTANCE, /* Normalized distance along physical Z axis; Range:
>> >>> [0.0, 1.0] */
>> >>>      AZIMUTH, /* Angle of tool about the Z axis from positive X axis;
>> >>> Range: [-PI, PI] radians */
>> >>>      TILT, /* Angle of tool about plane of sensor from positive Z
>> >>> axis; Range: [0.0, PI] radians */
>> >>>      TWIST, /* Angle of tool about tool's major axis from tool's
>> >>> "natural" position; Range: [-PI, PI] radians */
>> >>>      TOUCH_WIDTH_MAJOR, /* Length of contact ellipse along AZIMUTH */
>> >>>      TOUCH_WIDTH_MINOR, /* Length of contact ellipse perpendicular to
>> >>> AZIMUTH */ TOOL_WIDTH_MAJOR, /* Length of tool ellipse along AZIMUTH */
>> >>>      TOOL_WIDTH_MINOR /* Length of tool ellipse perpendicular to AZIMUTH
>> >>> */ };
>> >>
>> >> ok - i get the idea. naming needs of course to be namespaced. fyi - i much
>> >> prefer degrees to radians. i know. its not what sin/cos and math.h like...
>> >> but its what most programmers understand FIRST and otherwise end up
>> >> converting to/from degrees. :) also i'm not so sure bout "axis_name" if
>> >> anything it'd be axis_type... :)
>> >>
>> > All sound good. As you point out, radians are nicer for dealing with
>> > the math libraries, but I won't begrudge degrees :)
>> >
>> >>> enum _Ecore_Tool_Name {
>> >>>      UNKNOWN,
>> >>>      MOUSE, /* Mouse or "puck" digitizer */
>> >>>      FINGER, /* Touchscreen, touchpad, etc. */
>> >>>      STYLUS, /* Pen writing tip */
>> >>>      ERASER, /* Pen erasing tip */
>> >>>      AIRBRUSH, /* ... is this a useful hint? */
>> >>>      MARKER /* ... is this a useful hint? */
>> >>> }
>> >>
>> >> the last 3 - can you explain these? i am familiar with some wacom tablets
>> >> and pens, but the only ting that may make a stylus become an eraser is
>> >> simply turning it aroun and using the other end. is this the same for
>> >> airbrush and marker? or something similar? hold down a button on the
>> >> stylus to switch to airbrush mode? (my wacom pen has such a togle button
>> >> on it).? if so shouldn't these last 3 just become modifiers of the stylus?
>> >>
>> > ERASER, AIRBRUSH, and MARKER are really just hints to the application
>> > that the tool is "expected" to be used in a particular way. Erasers
>> > don't necessarily have to erase, but by default an application should
>> > probably treat it as one. Similarly, the accessory "Airbrush" and "Art
>> > Pen" tools that you can buy for the professional tablets [1] don't
>> > necessarily have to simulate an airbrush or marker by default, but
>> > given the form-factor (the button on the Airbrush is more likely to be
>> > used to lay paint than to right-click) and features (only the Art Pen
>> > has the sensors necessary to accurately simulate a chisel-tip marker
>> > or fountain pen) it's a handy hint to the app about how the user may
>> > expect the tool to be used.
>> >
>> > There are a number of degrees of refinement in the information you can
>> > potentially provide. The USB HID spec allows a *ton* of descriptive
>> > information to be provided by the device. You could potentially
>> > provide information like:
>> >
>> > Source device: mouse, touchscreen, touchpad, tablet, spaceball,
>> > control board, etc.
>> > Device tool: hand, finger, stylus, knob, fader, etc.
>> > Tool type: eraser, airbrush, marker, rotary encoder (infinite; think
>> > mousewheel), potentiometer (finite; think volume knob or fader), etc.
>> > Tool: Intuos4 Art Pen, Intuos4 Airbrush, etc.
>> > Tool serial number: varies
>> >
>> > Ideally an app would have access to full richness of this kind of
>> > information. Realistically though, its a lot of work to encode in a
>> > way for applications to easily make sense of what they care about. My
>> > solution here was to just provide type information and hope that
>> > developers would treat STYLUS, ERASER, AIRBRUSH, and MARKER
>> > identically if they don't care about the distinction, rather than
>> > providing an explicit hierarchy of hints.
>> >
>> > [1]: https://store.wacom.com/us/accessories/pens
>> >
>> >>> struct _Ecore_Axis {
>> >>>      enum _Ecore_Axis_Name name;
>> >>>      double value;
>> >>> };
>> >>
>> >> ok.
>> >>
>> >>> struct _Ecore_Event_Axis_Update
>> >>> {
>> >>>      unsigned int timestamp;
>> >>>      unsigned int modifiers; /* Is this necessary? */
>> >>
>> >> as above... eraser, marker, airbrush... ? maybe?
>> >>
>> > I wasn't sure what the modifiers field was for. I've been working
>> > under the assumption it contains keyboard modifiers like SHIFT, CTRL,
>> > and ALT so that applications can alter how they treat events. Though
>> > it'd be a bit duplicative for pen events (since the mouse events will
>> > also have modifiers), other devices that update their axes might not
>> > be so lucky and could benefit. Am I right in assuming this used
>> > elsewhere for keyboard modifiers?
>> >
>> >>>      int device; /* Unique device identifier */
>> >>>      int toolid; /* Unique tool identifier (e.g. tool serial number,
>> >>> touchscreen contact number, etc.) */
>> >>>      enum _Ecore_Tool_Name tooltype; /* Type of tool in use (e.g. "puck",
>> >>> ) */
>> >>>
>> >>>      int nvalues;
>> >>>      struct _Ecore_Axis *values;
>> >>> };
>> >>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> >>
>> >> hmm. you want to put an evas_device * handle in there... this allows the
>> >> event receiver to figure out much more about the input device by tracking
>> >> this back and doing queries.
>> >>
>> > Yeah, that would be kinda handy, wouldn't it... Can't believe I left it
>> > out! :D
>> >
>> >>> These are still in pretty heavy flux though. The basic event structure
>> >>> contains identifiers about where the event came from (device and
>> >>> toolid), what kind of tool created it (tooltype), and what the current
>> >>> axis values are (values). The axis values are stored with a
>> >>> dynamically allocated array so that we aren't limited to 'N' axes, and
>> >>
>> >> agree. this sounds fine. since the event is allocated anyway this is easy 
>> >> -
>> >> just expand the allocation size to allow the values to be appended at the
>> >> end and set the pointer to there. maybe just use an array anyway like:
>> >>
>> >> struct _Ecore_Axis values[1];
>> >>
>> >> and then simply over-allocate the memory yo allow the array to grow to [2]
>> >> and [3] and however many are needed for nvalues. :)
>> >>
>> > That's a nifty pointer trick, but it sounds a bit too clever for its
>> > own good. I'm having horrifying visions of somebody wondering why
>> > free(values) is never called, and "fixing" it without realizing its a
>> > pointer to somewhere *inside* a block of memory. Declaring an array is
>> > almost as bad: while nobody should go free()-happy on it, I know I'd
>> > be scratching my head something fierce at the sight of an array of
>> > size one for an event that's supposedly transferring several axis
>> > values.
>> >
>> > Unless memory fragmentation is a big issue or this kind of trick is a
>> > common idiom, I'd much rather be boringly obvious and just malloc/free
>> > a chunk of memory to hold the axis values.
>> >
>> >>> each axis is given an label to make it clear to clients how it should
>> >>> be interpreted. The tooltype field might be an unnecessary hint, or
>> >>> might belong somewhere else (e.g. evas_device); hard to say. I'm also
>> >>> not sure how I want to send X/Y information; none of the options are
>> >>> particularly savory.
>> >>
>> >> i think that evas_device here might be where these belong. the stylus,
>> >> eraser, mouse/whatever awould be classes/types of evas_device. a quick
>> >> query of the evas_Device handle and its type/class will tell you where it
>> >> comes from. :)
>> >>
>> >>> Would anyone mind giving some feedback on this? I'm hacking up a
>> >>> quick-and-dirty implementation to get a feel for the complexities
>> >>> involved, and the first half (posting events to the queue) went easy
>> >>> enough. Now to work on implementing the labyrinth of functions that
>> >>> the event follows on its way from the queue to an application.
>> >>
>> >> as above... and i notice you've sent some code. lt me look at that, but
>> >> this mail i had marked. :)
>> >>
>> > Thanks for the feedback -- its nice to know that I'm stumbling in the
>> > right general direction :)
>> >
>> > On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:08 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >> 0001 - ok
>> >> 0002 - i smell problems maybe... i'd have to test - but that code
>> >> specifically was written to detect and mpx-style setup as well as xi2.2
>> >> etc. an this may break it.
>> > I should probably break this patch into two pieces. It contains 90%
>> > cleanup and 10% functionality change. It looks like the original code
>> > was written with a bit of misunderstanding of XI2 leading to
>> > nonsensical statements (the `if (((atdev) && (atdev->use !=
>> > XIMasterPointer)) || (!atdev))` statement will *never* evaluate to
>> > `true`!) and code duplication. The remaining 10% non-cleanup change
>> > causes us to request XI_{Button{Press,Release},Motion} events from
>> > *all* slave devices (not just floating slaves, as in the original).
>> >
>> > I haven't tested MPX specifically, but this shouldn't cause any
>> > problems with that. MPX is a matter of creating multiple master
>> > pointers; the only change this patch does is cause their underlying
>> > non-floating slaves to start reporting XI2 events. The master pointers
>> > will continue to send core X events for translation into standard
>> > mouse events.
>> >
>> > For reference, the XI2.0 and 2.2 protocols are documented at [2] and [3].
>> >
>> > [2]:
>> > http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/X11proto/X11proto-57.2/inputproto/inputproto-2.0.1/XI2proto.txt
>> > [3]: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/inputproto/XI2proto.txt
>> >
>> >> 0003 - as per my mail erply to your previous mail :)
>> >> 0004 - as per previous mail - Evas_Device *dev pointer in struct, also
>> >> missing void *data field (general field in all events), event_src object
>> >> ptr, ... maybe modifiers... event_flags... and then we need to consider
>> >> canvs vs output
>> > Could you quickly explain what those various variables are for? I'll
>> > add them in, but I'm just curious since I'm poking my nose around the
>> > event system anyway :)
>> >
>> >> values/coords. remember that evas will transform coordinates if an object
>> >> is rotated or tiled in 3d etc. but then canvas coords will be the properly
>> >> calculated/translated coords and output will be pre-transform (raw
>> >> on-canvas/screen coords).
>> > As far as coordinate system goes, I'm not sure what would be best. The
>> > most obvious answer would be to use the same coordinate system as
>> > mouse events, to make using the subpixel-precise axis data as easy as
>> > possible. The problem is that figuring out the window coordinates that
>> > correspond to the current device coordinates isn't trivial. The tablet
>> > can be mapped to an arbitrary region of the desktop by the driver,
>> > which means that the window manager can't simply assume there is a 1:1
>> > mapping between device space and desktop space. You could look at the
>> > coordinates of the mouse to get a good idea, but that gets tricky with
>> > MPX and impossible if the device has been detached from all master
>> > pointers. An X11 property describes the device-to-desktop
>> > transformation, but that can change at any point in time. You can
>> > listen for the changes, but _wow_ that's taken quite a bit of code to
>> > make the axes report data in a nice way.
>> >
>> > An alternative could be to state that the coordinates are in device
>> > space, and wish the best of luck to anyone who wants to use them for
>> > subpixel positioning. Its not a terribly satisfying answer though,
>> > since subpixel positioning is one of the key features of using a
>> > tablet over a mouse.
>> >
>> >> 0005 - ok
>> >> 0006 - ok
>> >> 0007 - ok
>> >>
>> >> :)
>> >
>> > Jason
>> > ---
>> > Now instead of four in the eights place /
>> > you’ve got three, ‘Cause you added one  /
>> > (That is to say, eight) to the two,     /
>> > But you can’t take seven from three,    /
>> > So you look at the sixty-fours....
>> Poking the list since its been a few weeks without a reply...
> sorry - your'e one of about 30 mails on this list i have marked to get back 
> to,
> but right now i'm busy trying to trawl through our patch submission queue on
> phab and not dealing with my e-devel backlog. :(
> --
> ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
> The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

With work starting on defining a tablet API in libinput, I thought
this might be a good time to try bumping the topic again and seeing if
anyone has input.

Hopefully that backlog of patches and mail hasn't grown too huge in
the meantime :)

Now instead of four in the eights place /
you’ve got three, ‘Cause you added one  /
(That is to say, eight) to the two,     /
But you can’t take seven from three,    /
So you look at the sixty-fours....

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