
I hope it dies a quick but very Painful death !!


On 11/03/2014 10:58 AM, Tom Hacohen wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> After fairly long chats with Carsten and Mike during LinuxCon and over
> IRC, trying to fix systray on my own, and better understanding the
> systray landscape, I've also switched to the drop-xembed camp.
> Introduction:
> For those of you who don't know, there are currently two main ways for
> implementing systray in Linux, Xembed (legacy) and appindicator (fairly
> new).
> Xembed: this is the legacy way of doing it. An application which wants
> to have a systray icon creates a small (22x22 px) window which gets
> embedded into the systray gadget. This is a window like any other, so
> for better or worse, everything is user controlled, including ugly
> inconsistent behaviour. To make things even worse, those "windows"
> usually don't have a transparent background, but instead use hacks to
> determine what solid colour background they should use, making
> themability, something we care about a lot in E, suck.
> Appindicator: dis is a specification that start by the KDE devs a while
> back, and was adopted by unity/ubuntu. It's essentially a dbus api,
> which means the shell (enlightenment) has more control regarding look,
> feel and behaviour, and makes the shelf more consistent among apps.
> Major issues with Xembed:
> Apart from the issues mentioned above, xembed is also broken because it
> (obviously) doesn't work under wayland, it doesn't work with higher dpi
> screens (remember the 22x22 restriction?), clients implement it in a
> hacky way, and that means servers have to adapt, making it very painful
> to support, and last, but not least, it's considered obsolete by many
> people in the Linux world, namely us.
> Rest of the ecosystem:
>   From what I understand, KDE5 will have no xembed support, Unity already
> doesn't support it, and I hope we and many others will follow.
> I don't remember the exact list, but from the kde blog (see link below)
> and off the top of my head, in elm we only support appindicator for
> systray, most Qt and GTK+ apps support it, dropbox and steam also use
> it, so it's really just skype that's broken, I'd complain to support and
> get it working. If you encounter anything else that doesn't, just open a
> ticket at the respective project.
> But why not just fix the systray module?
> It's a lot of work and it's just not worth it since there is a better
> and widely used alternative out there. I also tried writing a module to
> embed a standalone systray into our shelves only to find out that all
> the standalone systrays suck. :)
> I wanted to port the e17 systray module to e20, but according to Mike,
> that won't work, as there are many issues with the compositor interactions.
> Essentially, unless we come across a reasonable reason why Xembed
> support shouldn't be dropped, I suggest we go on and get rid of it in
> the next week or two.
> References:
> http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/03/system-tray-in-plasma-next/
> Thanks.
> --
> Tom.

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