

We would like to propose openmp optimizations in some parts of evas software


OpenMP provides a scalable model for shared memory parallel applications.
One of the construct enables parallelization of simple for-loops using
'pragma omp for'. We applied this pragma in one part of sample scaling in
software backend where for-loop was used to run through the image. Running
expedite on an Intel I3 machine with quad-core showed 48% improvement in
"Image Blend Nearest Scaled" test-case. Test-case score went up from 128 to


This doesn't mean that every for-loop will be benefited by openmp. For-loop
should have enough parallel-load and no dependencies so that threading
overhead is hidden. Other areas of data-parallelism in evas can be analyzed
and explored further. Openmp is supported in gcc since 4.2. Pragma based omp
programs require a light-weight gcc omp runtime(libgomp.so) which is always
packaged with gcc-runtime


Requesting your feedback and comments




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