On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:45 PM, Adrien Nader <adr...@notk.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> As a user of the EFLs, I've found tmpstr to be quite painful. I was
> jointly supervising other people and I'm quite certain that dropping a
> few tmpstr instances and going for something plain and simple solved at
> least a couple bugs. That was a couple years ago so I don't remember the
> specific but I do remember that it wasn't one of the APIs I've loved the
> most.

Daniel said the same. I personally never felt the need to try it. I just
had to fix it because it was wrong and confusing.

> When it comes to locks for thread-safety, it's good to remember that the
> libc's malloc is quite likely going to take a lock too so it's not an
> argument in favor of one or the other (jemalloc tries to avoid the need
> for them but I think glibc doesn't).
> In any case, if you look at Tom's example of getenv(), I'd say the call
> to getenv() is probably to be what's slower by quite a large margin.
> You gave the example of genlists but when would performance for this
> matter? Scrolling. So you'd have to malloc() space for a string and at
> the same time you're also free()'ing space for a string for a widget
> that became invisible. If your libc's malloc() is not completely crap
> then it's likely going to be fast. And if it is crap, fix it (or you're
> going to be like the openssl devs that went for a broken custom mempool
> and you know how this ended).

I actually just copied the example from the docs. Also, just to clarify
something, tmpstr does a malloc *AND* has its own lock. So two locks. :)

> >From my perspective: save bugs, save kittens, avoid unneeded
> optimizations. And since I'm siding with Tom on this one, I'll also side
> with him on saying that the benchmark that's needed is the one that
> would be in favor of tmpstr and would therefore be work from not I. :)

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