
Last year, Samsung contracted a company made of French borkers to
write its "native application" documentation, i.e. usage of EFLs on
Tizen. Last week, raster switched e.org to dokuwiki.
Well, I worked on that documentation and I really like dokuwiki so I
started porting the documentation.

It was written as doxygen and we don't have any copyright on that;
however, the HTML output has been published as a mix of CC-BY 3.0, BSD
3-clauses and LGPL v2.1 and Apache. It's not entirely consistent but in
any case, it's definitely usable (and probably with a better track of
licenses than what has existed until now).

The documentation in Tizen is really good. I'm totally unbiased on
that. No, really.
More seriously, it's fairly comprehensive and covers some topics which
are large enough for no-one to deal with them on their free time. 

It's made of "tutorials" and "programming guides". Programming guides
sit between tutorials and the API reference. Think of the tutorial as
"hold-my-hand-and-make-me-use-that-widget-for-the-first-time" while the
programming guide explains the common APIs and usage. Most widgets are

For reference, my first try is a page with no incoming link at:

The very first question I got was: how do we organize that
Dokuwiki supports namespaces and we probably want to take advantage of
that; namespaces can appear in the URI either as "foo:bar" or "foo/bar"
and it's also possible to put a page directly at "foo".

I think we could have namespaces and pages like:
doc/efl  # lists and explains libraries
doc/efl/ecore/events  # covers events, their handling, the mainloop...
doc/efl/elementary/widgets  # nice, sorted, widget gallery
doc/efl/elementary/widgets/button  # page-name is guessable from the API

Any thought? This really seems like the most blocking aspect to me.

A few more things (most are for the wiki admins).

What's missing or could be improved:
- the dokuwiki "syntax" page cannot be found on the wiki; it's a problem
  because some dokuwiki plugins extend the syntax and it's difficult to
  know which ones are enabled without that page
- there should be a plugin which provides mediawiki's table/list syntax
  (there are several of them available, not sure which one to chose)
- locating the words "tizen" and "appcore"/"app_core" is fairly
  difficult and it'd be nice to have highlighting for that
- when I want to upload an image, I need to download it locally then
  re-upload it (something for which I don't have the rights it seems)
- we need to think about the license a bit in order to have something
  compatible with the mix from tizen.org.

What's annoying and probably won't change:
- copy-paste from tizen.org is a bit difficult because of tizen.org's
- copy-paste loses some markup, in particular headers/titles, lists,
  tables, figures
- some filtering needs to be done: Tizen-specific stuff needs to be
  stripped (there isn't much of it but you need to locate it)
- dokuwiki's table syntax is nice and simple but also too simple

Adrien Nader

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