
On 09/11/15 20:12, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hello,
> We have been learning in the past few year how to organize for an EFL
> developers day and we would like to try something new next year based
> on this past experience. This year, we did spend half the day doing
> some quick hack, killing bugs and coverity report quickly. So for next
> year, we would like to try a similar setup, but over a full weekend.
> The idea would be to have a few talks and then a few group going after
> their own goal. We will do later this year a call for paper and group
> proposal, but for now, we are looking to decide on the date.
>     OpenWide has proposed to give us access for an entire weekend to
> their meeting room in Paris. So we will not collocate with a
> ELCE/LinuxCon event this year as their was little attendance shared
> with those event.
>     Please go now and vote for your preferred weekend in May 2016:
> https://phab.enlightenment.org/V15 . The vote will be open until end
> of December.
> Have fun.

We have 10 votes so far which is below what I expected. Are the people 
who did not vote yet have no preference or are just waiting for other 
schedule things to clear up before the would point out there preference?

Stefan Schmidt

enlightenment-devel mailing list

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