
org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects (out
objpath_interfaces_and_properties) seems becoming a standard
interface. There is a push to abandon application-specific manager
interfaces in favour of this standard one. Documented here:

I tried to connect to a service that implements it and calling
eldbus_message_signature_get(msg)) in the return callback gives

Is there an example of parsing this?

In particular I did not find something like
eldbus_message_iterate_array - that is a function that gives me the
current element without the need to craft the signature of the element
by hand as seems to be the case in eldbus_message_iter_get_and_next().
Just passing the signature of the message without change into
eldbus_message_iter_get_and_next does not work.

I can of course try to parse that a{oa{sa{sv}}} signature by hand in
my application but that's not what sane library interface should
require, right?

I tried
arguments = eldbus_message_iter_get(msg);
                eldbus_message_iter_signature_get(arguments) + 1, &objects);

but it complains that the type does not match with or without that + 1.



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