Le jeudi 09 juin 2016 à 16:53 -0700, Tim Bird a écrit :
> Hi EFL devs...
> I am a newbie to EFL development.  I'm trying to write a little test
> program for EFL, and wanted to test out elemines as an example of
> some of
> the techniques.
> However, I ran into some problems.
> I am running EFL 17 on Ubuntu 14.04.  I cloned elemines from
> https://git.enlightenment.org/games/elemines.git
> and was able to get it built.
Please use a stable release before reporting bugs. The git version is
not supposed to work at any time. The last release of elemines could be
find here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/elemines/files/0.2.3/ It's
a bit old but should run fine.
You'll need elementary and etrophy. If your distro doesn't provide it,
you will have to compile them yourself. Putting them in /usr/local/lib
is normally not an issue as this path is normally already in your
/etc/ld.so.conf. You maybe just forgot to launch ldconfig.
Kind regards,
> 1) - path to libetrophy error
> When I try to run it, I got the following error message:
> elemines: error while loading shared libraries: libetrophy.so.0: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> During the build, I figured out I needed etrophy, and built and installed
> the shared
> library for that.  They etrophy libraries ended up in /usr/local/lib
> I can work around this using 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib',
> before running elemines.
> 2) missing some elementary config
> When I run elemines (with the right library path), I get a warning from the
> program:
> ERR<27210>:eio lib/eio/eio_monitor.c:339 eio_monitor_stringshared_add()
> monitored path '/home/CORPUSERS/10102229/.elementary/config/standard' not
> found.
> I don't have the enlightenment window manager installed (to my knowledge).
> I'm not sure what is being looked for here,
> but the warning is a bit disconcerting.  I can make the warning go away by
> creating the directory
> ~/.elementary/config/standard, but I'm worried that something is supposed
> to be there that's not.
> 3) Segmentation fault
> This is the most serious problem.  elemines gets a segmentation fault when
> I do the first mouse click in the
> game grid.
> I debugged the program a bit and found that there's a sscanf on a string
> used to map the mouse click to
> the game grid.  Here's the sscanf:
>   sscanf(source, "board[%i,%i]:overlay", &x, &y);
> but here's the value of the 'source' string used with it:
>   board[item_0x7fff8daa2c60{7,2}]:overlay
> this is in the routine _click() in src/game.c
> Note that there's no error handling for the sscanf.  However, the string
> clearly is not what's expected.
> In another part of the program, there's this line, which seems to specify
> the string for the
> mouse click grid mapping.
> edje_object_signal_callback_add(edje, "mouse,clicked,*",
> "board\\[*\\]:overlay", _click, NULL);
> It appears that elemines expects the coordinates from the specified string
> inside the
> brackets (I'm guessing that's what the * is for in the string.  However, I
> don't know
> where this 'item_0x7fff8daa2c60{..}' is coming from.
> Is there something from edje that's missing, to have the mouse click string
> come out properly?
> Thanks,
>  -- Tim
>  -- Tim Bird
> Senior Software Engineer, Sony Mobile
> Architecture Group Chair, CE Workgroup, Linux Foundation
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