On Sat, 09 Jul 2016 22:29:20 +0000 Andrew Williams
<a...@andywilliams.me> wrote:

> So it's a web world and APIs are cool right - and it's all json or
> XML. I can't find anywhere (outside of the is bindings) where we use
> json...
> Assuming I need to read such an API are there any preferences or
> advice for how (library, string parsing) it should be done in an efl
> app to best fit with how we do things?

In my big 3D virtual world application, I intend on supporting XML,
JSON, and all those other legacy bloated things by inventing some sort
of lean binary protocol, and having the others be wrappers around
that.  There's a number of ways I could do that, but it's early days,
so no start on it yet.

I intend to try a few things, and test their performance.  One of the
contenders is to use EET as the low level binary format.  Another is
to just use ordinary compression.

While as you say, all the cool kids are using bloated, text based,
"human readable", file and network protocols, coz it makes it easy for
developers to read and write it.  99.999% of the time it's computers
that have to spend extra resources dealing with these hard for
computers to read bloated protocols, humans never get a look in, all
they do is take up more space and slow things down.  So in my new
virtual world, those few developers that actually think they need to
use bloated protocols to make things easier for them, can supply all
the extra CPU, RAM, and network resources they want to waste, and the
rest of us can enjoy proper lean binary protocols.  The dumb developers
can run their own bloated legacy wrappers on their own hardware when
they actually need it, keep that crap out of our faces the rest of the

As for dealing with web based JSON for now, I have a Lua script around
here somewhere that used some library or other, I'd be using that, if I
could find it again.  I'll have another look later today.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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