Hi all,

To satisfy both ecore-con and ecore-con-url work I'm doing we need to
define basic I/O interfaces. My suggestion is to keep them split into
specific purpose (one for each), but if you think it's a big overhead with
Eo, we can pack them in a single one and let people implement just some,
returning errors on the others.

They also assume the Eina_Slice (RDONLY) and Eina_Rw_Slice (RW) proposed in
another email thread.

interface Efl.Io.Reader {
    methods {
        read {
            [[Reads data into a pre-allocated buffer.

              This operation will be executed immediately and may or may
not block the caller thread for some time. The details of blocking behavior
is to be defined by the implementation and may be subject to other
parameters such as non-blocking flags, maximum timeout or even retry

              You can understand this interface as read(2) libc function.
            params {
                @in buffer: slice; [[Writable memory to store read bytes.
Must be pre-allocated and defines the maximum amount to read, it won't be
                @out used: size; [[returns the amount of buffer that was
used during read]]
            return: Eina.Error; [[0 on success, a mapping of errno

interface Efl.Io.Writer {
    methods {
        write {
            [[Writes data from a pre-populated buffer.

              This operation will be executed immediately and may or may
not block the caller thread for some time. The details of blocking behavior
is to be defined by the implementation and may be subject to other
parameters such as non-blocking flags, maximum timeout or even retry

              You can understand this interface as write(2) libc function.
            params {
                @in buffer: const(slice); [[Memory to read bytes from. Must
be pre-populated to its full length]]
                @out used: size; [[returns the amount of buffer that was
used during write]]
            return: Eina.Error; [[0 on success, a mapping of errno

interface Efl.Io.Closer {
    methods {
        close {
            [[Closes the object resources.

              This operation will be executed immediately and may or may
not block the caller thread for some time. The details of blocking behavior
is to be defined by the implementation and may be subject to other
parameters such as non-blocking flags, maximum timeout or even retry

              You can understand this interface as close(2) libc function.
            return: Eina.Error; [[0 on success, a mapping of errno

Likely we'll need an Efl.Io.Sizer that returns the size of the contents,
will be useful to manage requests where you have benefit to predefine the
contents size (like serving http-requests or doing a HTTP POST).

My plan is to write specializations in classes: Efl.Io.Reader.Fd,
Efl.Io.Writer.Fd and Efl.Io.Closer.Fd (Please suggest better names!) that
would all be based on a common Efl.Io.Fd interface that provides a property
"fd". These classes would execute read(2), write(2) and close(2). These
would be used by most classes as:

Efl.Io.Pipe object may create two child objects, one Reader+Closer and one
Writer+Closer, or simply offer itself a Reader+Writer+Closer which would
proxy the calls to correct child object. (Not to be implemented right now,
just an example)

Efl.Net.Socket would be a Reader+Writer+Closer (all using .Fd
specializations) as well as Efl.Loop_Fd, then all that is left to do is
provide meaningful properties and a "finalize" method that creates the
actual socket and sets the internal fd.

Efl.Net.Http.Client.Get would be a Reader+Closer. Efl.Net.Http.Client.Post
would be a Reader+Writer+Closer. Since these are using libcurl, they would
not be using ".Fd" specializations).

Efl.Io.Copier would be a class that receives a Reader and a Writer, then
copies from reader to writer. It could check if the objects supports Closer
in order to close-at-end, as well as if they are Efl.Loop_Fd in order to
monitor for events read/write/error, otherwise reverting to a busy wait
loop -- These behavior will be discussed later, consider this as a vague

The idea of Efl.Io.Copier is that we can avoid things like
"ecore_con_url_fd_set()" that is used to save the contents to a file.
Instead of having to create such method inside the Efl.Net.Http.Client.Get
itself, we'd just use two objects, one for the HTTP and the other for an
actual file and use Efl.Io.Copier with them.

Likewise, we can provide a HTTP/POST or FTP upload simply by using the File
as Reader, HTTP or FTP as Writer and use Efl.Io.Copier.

It also solve things like "I need to do an HTTP get and receive as a custom
function", that is to expose
https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.html, in this case you
create your own class that will implement the Reader interface, or you use
eo_override(). OR what do you do is to manually listen for Efl.Loop_Fd read
events, then call Efl.Io.Reader.read manually -- your call!

OTOH, to read to a buffer, we can offer a class that uses Eina_Binbuf
internally and implements Reader and Writer interfaces. Thus Efl.Io.Copier
will do the work no matter what :-)

You can see an example of such interfaces at Go: https://golang.org/pkg/io/
(Reader, Writer, Closer and combinations such as ReadWriter...)

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
http://profusion.mobi embedded systems
MSN, GTalk, FaceTime: barbi...@gmail.com
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (16) 99354-9890
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