There is an annoying issue that I found in rage from some months ago but 
I've always forgot to report it here, sorry :(

There are cases where rage_thumb just go crazy, spawns several 
processes, eats up the cpu and reamins active even if I close rage, so I 
have to "killal -9 rage_thumb". Tipically it happens if I navigate the 
movie clicking with the mouse in the progress bar, so in order to avoid 
it I use to navigate via arrow keys.


Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) ha scritto il 20/08/2016 alle 05:45:
> So here is a new release of Rage.
> It is a simple video and audio player intended to be slick yet simplistic, 
> much
> like Mplayer. You can provide 1 or more files to play on the command-line or
> just DND files onto the rage window to insert them into the playlist. You can
> get a visual representation of everything on the playlist by hitting the / 
> key,
> or just hovering your mouse over the right side of the window. Mouse back over
> the left side of the window to dismiss it or press the key again. It has a 
> full
> complement of key controls if you see the README for the full list. It will
> automatically search for album art for music files, if not already cached, and
> display that. It even generates thumbnails for the timeline of a video and
> allows you to preview the position on mouseover of the position bar at the
> bottom of the window.
> If you run it without any files as arguments, it will go into "browser" mode
> where it will index $HOME/Videos and basically become a simple media center.
> A feature list at this point:
>   * Play video and audio files
>   * Support a playlist via command-line
>   * Insert to playlist via DND
>   * Controls hide on mouse idle, and appear on mouse movement
>   * Fullscreen mode support with automatic "no blank" support
>   * Playlist visual previews and controls
>   * Subtitle file support
>   * Supports Gstreamer 0.10, Gstreamer 1.x, Xine and VLC as media engines via
> Emotion modules
>   * Selection of media back-end via command-line
>   * Album art fetch and caching
>   * Video thumbnail timeline generation and caching
>   * Works with any Evas engine (OpenGL acceleration, pure software etc.)
>   * Works in X11, Wayland and Framebuffer direct support
>   * Accelerated seek on keyboard fowrard/reverse
>   * Drag gestures for seeking
>   * Special different UI modes for pure audio and video
>   * Media center browser/indexer mode
>   * Simeline thumbails of videos get generated and displayed when over seek 
> bar
> If you want to see more go to the about page at

Massimo Maiurana
Ragusa (RG)

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