
TL;DR: If you are committing new eo files I expect them to have full 
docs from now one. Also help with the ones you are currently working on.

Longer version:
If you look at the commit log you can see that I started another crusade 
on getting our doc coverage for eo files.

Right now we have the following stats for our documentation efforts:

=== CLASS SECTION: 269 out of 864 (31%) ===

Classes:                       255 (documented:   93 or  36%)
Interfaces:                     57 (documented:   22 or  39%)
Mixins:                         28 (documented:   28 or 100%)
Events:                        524 (documented:  126 or  24%)

=== FUNCTION SECTION: 6440 out of 7790 (83%) ===

Methods:                      1016 (documented:  936 or  92%)
   Method params:              1667 (documented: 1401 or  84%)
   Method returns:              493 (documented:  310 or  63%)
Getters:                      1059 (documented:  970 or  92%)
   Getter returns:              175 (documented:  105 or  60%)
   Getter keys:                 120 (documented:   89 or  74%)
   Getter values:              1197 (documented:  924 or  77%)
Setters:                       845 (documented:  779 or  92%)
   Setter returns:               69 (documented:   43 or  62%)
   Setter keys:                  57 (documented:   49 or  86%)
   Setter values:              1092 (documented:  834 or  76%)

=== TYPE SECTION: 1240 out of 1775 (70%) ===

Aliases:                        84 (documented:    9 or  11%)
Structs:                        82 (documented:   57 or  70%)
Struct fields:                 191 (documented:  156 or  82%)
Enums:                         170 (documented:  154 or  91%)
Enum fields:                  1248 (documented:  864 or  69%)

=== VARIABLE SECTION: 56 out of 56 (100%) ===

Constants:                       0 (documented:    0 or 100%)
Globals:                        56 (documented:   56 or 100%)

=== TOTAL: 8005 out of 10485 (76%) ===

Which means we have 2480 undocumented items.

I'm willing to work on this and I actually doing it already but if your 
working area covers some eo files please make sure that you document all 
bits in there. Some might look silly on a first glace (enums fields, 
etc) but getting this to a 100% coverage, and keeping it, really helps 
the doc efforts. We are using these to generate our documentation and 
after some time for setup and migration of the older doxygen docs we 
will switch to them. An example how they look like is here (design and 
layout is up for suggestions but need to stay aligned with our www theme 
to have a consistent look):

To keep track on the progress you can use:
src/bin/elua/elua src/scripts/elua/apps/gendoc.lua -src/lib/

To get an output of what items are still need docs use the verbose flag:
src/bin/elua/elua src/scripts/elua/apps/gendoc.lua -v src/lib/

Stefan Schmidt

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