Hi all,

I just remembered about this thread after recent email by raster. What
jpeg points out is that it's strange, because it IS strange and thus
not right -- unlike Cedric said.

When you fulfill a promise (ie: feed a value to Future, delivered via
the callback specified in efl_future_then()), you send a value.

This value can be:
 - an actual value, called 'resolved'
 - another promise.

This can be implemented with Eina_Value, by defining a new
Eina_Value_Type for future. Thus the function signature is plain
simple as in JS:

     eina_promise_fulfill(p, eina_value);

That said, take the other, the reader/future side:

    f = some_function_returning_a_future_for_a_promise();
    f2 = efl_future_then(f, cb1);
    f3 = efl_future_then(f, cb2);

Internally, these future are a linked list:

   f->next = f2;
   f2->next = f3;

This is built inside efl_future_then().

In the above example "f" is the only future with an associated
promise. Others are 'shallow':

   f->promise = <some_function_returning_a_future_for_a_promise_PROMISE>
   f2->promise = NULL
   f3->promise = NULL

That is cross-linked with the promise:

   <some_function_returning_a_future_for_a_promise_PROMISE>->future = f

Back to the WRITER (promise) side, when you fulfill:

   efl_promise_fulfill(promise, value) {
      future = promise->future;
      promise->future = NULL; // avoid access to future of this promise again

      // let people NULL their pointers

      next_value = future->fulfill(p->future, value);
      if (!next_value) {
          // report error, similar to 'fulfill' of an actual value
procedure below:
          // find first 'future->error', call it from a job.
      if (eina_value_type_get(next_value) == EINA_VALUE_TYPE_FUTURE) {
          eina_value_get(next_value, &value_future);

          // value_future is a recently created future and will
          // NEVER have 'fulfill' or 'error' set, if they do, it's a
bug (ERR...)
          // MAYBE they have weak refs due bindings (unref them).
          // ---
          // OTOH, future->next WILL likely have fulfill/error/weak-refs
          // since it was created by efl_future_then()
          // thus we steal the promise and set it in it

          if (future->next) {
             next_future = future->next;
             // steal
             next_future->promise = value_future->promise;
             next_future->promise->future = next_future;

             if (value_future->fulfill || value_future->error) {
                  ERR("the future value must NOT have an associated
error/fulfill! future=%p", value_future);
                  // maybe call error in value_future and chain
value_future->next ...?
             value_future->promise = NULL;
             eina_value_free(next_value); // free it
             return; // need to wait for fulfill or reject/error
          } else {
             return; // if it was the last 'fulfill'/'error', do not free
                       // just let it do its work and then
fullfill/reject to nothing
      } else { // actual value, 'resolved'

          // find first future with an "fulfill", values are propagated.
          while ((future) && (!future->fulfill)) {
             // this future has no promise, so we just call it done:
             next_future = future->next; // do it after weak refs,
eventually 'next' is gone via 'cancel'
             future = next_future;

          // no future to receive the data, we're done
          if (!future) {
              eina_value_free(next_value); // not used, bye bye

          ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx));
          ctx->future = future;
          ctx->value = value;
          job_add(future_fulfill_job, future_fulfill_canceled, ctx);
// do it from next main loop iteration, "clean context"

   future_fulfill_job(data) {
      ctx = data;

      next_value = ctx->future->fulfill(ctx->future, ctx->value);

      // ---
      // HERE GOES THE SAME (or similar) code to the one in
      // ensures the chaining
      // ---

      // no 'eina_value_free()', value is owned by 'then'!

   future_fulfill_canceled(data)  { // main loop del...
      // maybe ctx->future->error() ECANCELED?

With you example, it would actually be:

main_func(url) {
  // this specifies ALL the pipeline:
  Efl_Future *f1 = download_url(url);
  Efl_Future *f2 = efl_future_then(f1, _down_cb); // would be better
called 'do_unzip'
  Efl_Future *f3 = efl_future_then(f2, _unzip_cb, image); // would be
better called 'do_load'
  efl_future_then(f3, _load_cb, image); // do_show

Eina_Value *_down_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Value *value) {
    const char *filename;
    Efl_Future *next_future;
    Eina_Value *next_value;

    // be safe and get actual value... we could offer a nicer 1-line
macro for these 2
    EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN_VAL(eina_value_type_get(value) !=
    eina_value_get(value, &filename);

    // likely done in a single line in real code
    next_future = _async_unzip(filename); // do NOT add anything to
    next_value = eina_value_future_new(next_future);

    eina_value_free(value); // we're done with it, but you could keep
it for later usage...

    return next_value; // which is actually a promise, "chaining"

Eina_Value *_unzip_cb(void *data, Eina_Value *value) {
    Image *image = data;
    const char *filename;
    Efl_Future *next_future;
    Eina_Value *next_value;

    EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN_VAL(eina_value_type_get(value) !=
    eina_value_get(value, &filename);

    next_future = _async_load(image, filename);

    // same as _down_cb:
    next_value = eina_value_future_new(next_future);
    return next_value;

Eina_Value *_load_cb(void *data, Eina_Value *value) {
    Image *image = data;

    return value; // we could 'eina_value_free()' and return a dummy,
'empty' value...
                       // or we just propagate it, it will be freed as
we're the last 'then'

I hope it clarifies and guides next implementation :-)

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Cedric BAIL <cedric.b...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 30 sept. 2016 07:51, "Jean-Philippe André" <j...@videolan.org> a écrit :
>> Here's a question about promise chaining. C being what it is, it's harder
>> to define a series like p.then().then() than it is in JS. And I can't find
>> any good example in EFL code.
>> Let's consider an abstract chain that I'll define as "download, unzip,
>> show". (eg. download a zip file, unzip it and set the file on an image
>> object).
>> All of these are async, we don't care about the result of show. I don't
>> understand how the chain should be written:
>> main_func(url) {
>>   Efl_Future *f1 = download_url(url);
>>   Efl_Future *f2 = efl_future_then(f1, _down_cb, ...,  NULL);
>>   efl_future_then(f2, _unzip_cb, ..., image);
>> }
>> // So far I think we're ok
>> void _down_cb(null, event) {
>>    Efl_Promise *next = event->info->next;
>>    Efl_Future *f3 = _async_unzip(event->infodata);
>>    efl_future_then(f3, _unzip_cb2, .., next);
>> }
>> // I'm already getting confused with next, f2 and f3. Something is odd.
> Yes, that's why there is some function (I don't have the code at end), to
> feed a future into a promise. This connection take care of propagating the
> value to the next promise. It avoid having to setup your own callback to do
> so as you did in this example.
>> void _unzip_cb(data, event) {
>>    Image *image = data;
>>    show(image);
>> }
>> void _unzip_cb2(data, event) {
>>    Efl_Promise *p2 = data;
>>    efl_promise_value_set(p3, NULL, NULL); // --> calls unzip_cb
>> }
>> So my questions:
>> 1. Is this above code correct?
> Yes.
>> 2. (How) are we ensuring that the chain eventually resolves?
> You mean, that if you don't set anything on the next promise, nothing will
> happen ? There is nothing there we can do I think, as everything being
> asynchronous, we can't know if there is a good reason that the value hasn't
> been set after we leave the callback.
> Possible hack for this is to unref the next promise. If the callback hasn't
> refed it nor set a failure/value, it will trigger an error and trigger a
> failure on the next future. Doable, but not sure if the value.do you think
> it's worth it ?
>> 3. Couldn't this be made in a simpler way? unzip_cb2 is really just an
>> automatic resolve of another promise/future.
> Yes, as said before, chaining imply we should be able to set a future as a
> value on a promise.
>> In unzip_cb, if I ignore "next", f2 will never come to completion.
>> So here's a proposal:
>> 1. Get rid of info->next. Instead:
>> Efl_Promise *p2 = efl_promise_next(event->object);
>> That way, EFL knows that the developer has not ignored the promise. The
>> developer must then call efl_promise_value/error_set at some point, sync
> or
>> async.
> This can not work.every set of callback need a different next promise
> otherwise only one of them can really use it. For the same reason, multiple
> st if callback are useful, we need to associate multiple next promise.
>> If the callback doesn't call efl_promise_next, EFL knows that the "next"
>> promise will never come to completion, ever. In that case, EFL
>> automatically calls efl_promise_value_set(next, NULL, NULL) to keep
> walking
>> the chain. (Another idea is to instead cancel it).
> See above proposition to do the same and still have multiple callback.
>> According to [ https://promisesaplus.com/ ], if onResolve is not a
> function
>> (success_cb is NULL), then p2 is fullfilled with the same value as p1. So
> I
>> guess we would just call _unzip_cb directly in the above example.
> Yes, that's something I plan to handle, setting null function well just
> propagate the value/error/process down the chain.
>> Without efl_promise_next() the callback must always handle "next". Failure
>> to do so will break all chains, and leak. The value of "next" can be set
>> inside _efl_loop_future_success.
> Yes, but it's kind of a false problem anyway. If you set expect a future
> and never get it triggered and you're the one who is in charge of the
> promise, you have maximum 2 places where you may have forgotten to set a
> value/trigger a failure. We can improve the detection as proposed above,
> but I don't think it's a real problem.
>> 2. (raster's idea) Get rid of event->info
>> Similarly, use efl_promise_value_get() instead of event->info->value. That
>> way we can implement stealing with efl_promise_value_steal(&val,
> &freefunc)
>> and keep the symmetry with value_get().
> I am not a fan of area stealing value. It may create slight problem with
> multiple callback and other user have to be aware of what you're doing
> (order if registering callback also matters in that case). So I would think
> that if you want the ability to steal a value, we should actually have a
> different efl_future_steal that allow only one callback and prevent any
> other efl_future_then to be registered (and trigger an error if any are).
> Which means, that value get is pretty much unnecessary. We can have it, as
> it solve the issue we have by reusing efl_event_cb (but maybe we should try
> to solve that instead of going around it).
>> In that case, efl_ref(promise) can be used to keep a value alive for as
>> long as you want. It's just a storage object. [if not eo, then
> promise_ref,
>> whatever]
>> Any weak ref by efl_promise_use probably needs to be reset to NULL after
>> the success/fail callback.
> That is array perfectly doable and the expected behavior today with
> efl_promise/efl_future (the c++ binding use that on future).
>> 3. multiple then, race, all order of operations
>> WIth steal, and any kind of cleanup callback, the order of operations is
>> crucial. Is it well defined? Example:
>> f1 = function();
>> efl_future_then(f1, _then1, ...);
>> efl_future_then(f1, _then2, ...);
>> efl_future_then(f1, _then3, ...);
>> // then1, then2, then3 MUST be called in this order (I think)
>> f2 = function();
>> efl_future_then(efl_future_all(f1, f2), _then4);
>> efl_future_then(f2, _then5, ...);
>> // will it be _then4, _then5 or _then5, _then4?
>> // same question for race
>> // I believe the implementation is fine here, but not many docs/tests/uses
>> :(
> Yup, you can see the problem.
>> Thoughts?
>> Is the above OK or completely off track?
> I think there are easier way to solve this problem without breaking
> everything !
>> PS: Sorry this mail became longer than I thought at first :-/
> Raster bad influence I guess ! :-)
> Cedric
>> --
>> Jean-Philippe André
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