
On 07/02/17 10:37, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2017 18:25:58 +1030 Simon Lees <sfl...@suse.de> said:
>> On 02/06/2017 10:06 PM, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
>>> Time-based releases keep the expectations if they are followed. Once
>>> we miss the frame, we start to have this feature-based releases ("oh,
>>> waited so long, can wait a bit more") and when people work
>>> independently, they always have some in-flux work that could get in...
>>> so at some point these guys will want to delay a bit more so their
>>> work gets in as well... endless wait -- AKA e17/efl-1.0
>>> IOW: just do it, and let's not miss the 3 month schedule next time. ;-)
>> The problem is people (even some in Samsung) are writing software that
>> depends on unstable eo, regardless of whether its wrong or right its
>> happening. This means that every release there is an extra bunch of work
>> for downstream projects to roll another release and then for distro's to
>> package all theses changes.

What are the offending packages you have to deal with here? As far as I 
know it neither Enlightenment nor Termonology nor Rage is using any EO 
based API.

They only ones I know of are developer tools like Edi, Eventor and 
Efleete. Are these packaged in OpenSUSE?

>> Until the eo interfaces are done the cost of releasing is high, so
>> releasing every 3 months for release sake when there isn't many new
>> features such as the last release of last year that didn't happen
>> doesn't make sense.
>> If we are now at a point where there is significant new things then lets
>> release now, if there is more significant new things in 3 months lets
>> release again then, if there is no new things in 3 months releasing
>> again then probably also doesn't make sense.

Its not 3 months this time either. Even when we start 1.19 stabilization 
now it would be almost 6 months between 1.18 and 1.19.
Its not like I would not listen and speed along.

>> So in short, if we want to go back to 3 monthly releases lets get eo
>> interfaces done so releases stop being as much effort for a bunch of people.

It is just not a simple task. Its _huge_ and the last time we tried to 
estimate it and execute it in the estimated timeframe we failed. We all 
want to get it out but it takes time.

>> Cheers, from the guy who gets to deal with the mess at the other end.

I'm sorry for that. Remember the times where we had no releases at all 
and people tried to package our software. It could have broken with 
every commit. :) My feeling is that we on the right track even if 
eo/intf makes more trouble than we imagined.  :(

> that is a very good point. the reliance on eo anyway... and thus a 1.19 will
> mean everything that did (wrongly) rely on it has to update/rev and release 
> too.

That was the case for various former releases as well. It is a pain for 
people like Simon I fully understand this, but it is nothing new for 1.19.

Stefan Schmidt

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