I do this, and it's terrific. Why drag things across monitors when they are different resolutions and quality (as in my case). I use monitor 0 for
panel (kicker), email, and newsgroups, and compiling (1024x768) and monitor 1 for browsing, graphics, program testing, windows (boo hiss) at 1280x1024.

My ONLY gripe is that E thinks the desktops are the same for both monitor
heads, so my background and settings and themes are the same for each
desktop on each monitor.

Interestingly, I can change a theme on one monitor, but that will become the default for E next boot for both screens.

hmm...I had thought it would be an easy fiddle to create a second .enlightenment
directory, then edit .xinitrc with something like

/usr/bin/enlightenment -display :0.0 &
/usr/bin/enlightenment -econfdir=.enlightenment-secondary -display :0.1

and start her up with startx. But...it didn't work (it spawns four instances of e).
Baffling. Now if I do the same thing but with

xterm -display :0.0 &
xterm -display :0.1

in .xinitrc it works as I expected. What is the mechanics behind this - are they
deliberately intended to operate in a different fashion? And if it is supposed to
spawn across the multiple screen numbers, is it possible to send each command
unique arguments?

Daniel Stonier.

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