Il giorno Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:30:56 +0900 Carsten scrisse:

> yes. fvwm like 10+ years ago was doing the mouse to edge to flip to a
> new desktop trick. i can tell you why they dont do it today. it's
> confusing to new/novice users and amazingly confusing. sure it's great
> for power users. watch your grandma on a linux box accidentally flip
> to a virtual desktop just if her mouse was on the left. to her
> everything suddenly changed for no reason and she goes "what the
> hell?" and is now completely confused as to whats going on.

I had always used virtual desktops in e16 and no multiple desktops at
all, but I prefer to move from one desktop to another with
alt+shift+arrow (the default keybinding for this) instead of using edge
flip. this way his grandma would not be confused :)

I hope e17 will have virtual desktops, so I can use it the same way.

         Massimo Maiurana          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
         ass. SOftware LIbero RAgusa
         Linux RU #245612 RM #127258     GPG keyID #7044D601

Articolo 11 - L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
libertà  degli  altri  popoli   e  come  mezzo  di  risoluzione  delle
controversie internazionali....

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