Have been trying to set up some multimedia keys with E17 and have them working, however can't get them going automatically in the boot/login process.

I have entrance/e17 cvs'd on a gentoo system.
- Have set up the keys with appropriate actions in e17 using enlightenment_remote -binding-key-add
   on the keysyms XF86LowerVolume, XF86RaiseVolume and XF86AudioMute.
- I can then manually run "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" which sets up keycode->keysyms relationships for the three buttons representing XF86Audio*.
 - Finally I manually run "enlightenment_remote -restart".

At this stage its working. To get it working during the e17 login, I've tried a few things

1) Adding a line to my Session script for Entrance

exec xmodmap /home/snorri/.Xmodmap > /home/snorri/xmod.log &
exec /usr/bin/enlightenment

This fails - the log file says it has set up the keysyms, but once inside e17 all settings are forgotten (xmodmap -pk shows nothing had been done for the multimedia keys)

2) Running the xmodmap command as a startup eapp in ~/.e/e/applications/startup

Can't seem to get this working as an eapp based strictly on a non-gui script, but can get it to activate if running as a command (bash script) that has been passed to an eapp for a terminal (like gnome-terminal, Eterm). Once e17 has finished setting up, the log file says everything's been done, "xmodmap -pk" lists the keycodes as having been set up correctly, but e17 fails to bind the XF86Audio* keys unless I manually do an "enlightenment_remote -restart". I've also tried adding the restart to the bash script without success, though attempts in that direction start seeming like a really ugly hack :)

So, has anybody else tried this? Is it a problem with e17, entrance...or me(!) perhaps? Think I might set up gdm and see if that works which will rule out one of the possibilities...but will have to leave that for the weekend.


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