Hi, I have the following script in a theme, but I keep getting the following 
error: "edje_cc: Warning. Compiling script code not clean." I know it has 
something to do with the "new Float:val2 = val / 8;" lines, but I can't 
figure out what. hope someone can help me out.
Best regard Nick.

   script {
    public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) {
       if ((type == MSG_FLOAT) && (id == 1)) {
          new Float:val;
//          new Float:val1;
//          new Float:val2;
//          new Float:val3;
          val = getfarg(2);
          set_drag(PART:"temp_top", 0.0, val);

          new Float:val2 = val / 8;
          new Float:val3 = val % 8;
          if (val2 => 8) {
            new val1 = val2 / 8;
            val2 = val2 % 8;
          } else {
            new val1 = 0;
          set_state(PART:"bar1", 0.0, val1);
          set_state(PART:"sign1", 0.0, val1);
          set_state(PART:"bar2", 0.0, val2); 
          set_state(PART:"sign2", 0.0, val2);
          set_state(PART:"bar3", 0.0, val3); 
          set_state(PART:"sign3", 0.0, val3);

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