run xprop in a terminal and then click on a window of xfe

look at the results and find the line WM_CLASS.

you should see something like

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "pyrrho", "Eterm"

The first string is the window name, the second is the window class.

window name may change from instance to instance. window class does not.

in your eap file, make sure the window name entry is blank (this is not
always the case, but I'm assuming you want all instances of xfe to have
the same icon. make sure the window class entry matches the 2nd string
in the xprop output.

Then make sure that there is ONLY ONE eap file that has the window class
of xfe.

hope that helps

btw, read the users guide a

On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 12:33 -0500, Luke Albers wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 17:54 +0200, Mathieu wrote:
> > Luke Albers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait dernièrement que :
> > 
> > > I have an eapp that I made for xfe, and I have it shown in the ibar with
> > > the correct icon.  At the corner of the titlebar for the window,
> > > however, no icon is displayed. Can anyone tell me why this might be (its
> > > only with XFe). 
> > 
> > did you use e_util_app_edit on a previously opened XFe window ? (click
> > on the icon on the right and click create an icon)
> > 
> > seems like the window class is not recognized by e,
> > is this field filled ? (sorry for _that_ English :))
> > 
> I tried using e_util_eapp edit to change the class.  It was FoxWindow in
> the eapp, but when I check it on xfe (which is what I used when I made
> the eapp, using the top left corner and creat icon), Xfe says the class
> is XFileExplorer.  I changed the eapp to this, but after doing that when
> I click on the icon in the ibar it pops up a window saying "Enlightnment
> was unable to run the program" and it is blank, and when I click on it
> multiple times it seems to put random characters for the program it is
> trying to run.
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