Mathieu wrote:

>"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait dernièrement que :
>>Christoph Gysin wrote:
>>>Robert May wrote:
>>>>Whenever I run xscreensaver I receive the following messages:
>>>>xscreensaver: 12:39:30: 0: unrecognised ClientMessage "WM_PROTOCOLS"
>>>>xscreensaver: 12:39:30: 0: for window 0x22e (root)
>>>I will explain the problem to the xscreensaver maintainer, and submit
>>>a patch. Until the next release, here's a quick fix:
>>>--- driver/xscreensaver.c.orig    2005-08-07 17:36:17.815261536 +0200
>>>+++ driver/xscreensaver.c    2005-08-07 17:37:08.644534312 +0200
>>>@@ -1641,10 +1641,12 @@
>>>       if (hint.res_class) XFree (hint.res_class);
>>>     }
>>>   fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d: unrecognised ClientMessage \"%s\"
>>>            blurb(), screen, (str ? str : "(null)"));
>>>   fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d: for window 0x%lx (%s)\n",
>>>            blurb(), screen, (unsigned long) w, wdesc);
>>>   if (str) XFree (str);
>>> }
>>I have been using linux for close to 10 years now, and enlightenment for
>>many of them, so I hate to think of myself as a 'newbie', but I am
>>completely self taught, so there are definately some things I don't
>>know.  This snippet of code for example, I have seen many like this, but
>>have absolutely no idea what to do with it.  I would love to know how to
>>apply this fix, and others like it...could somebody point me to some
>>docs that explain this?
>herm.... this is a patch or I do not understand this question.
>+ lines are lines which are added to the file
>- lines are lines which are removed from the file
>docs: man patch
>cd <source directory>; patch -p<strip_level> < patchfile
>this is a common way to share fixes to be applied to source files,
>before recompiling the application.
>but  how comes you don't know what a patch is, if you've been using
>Linux for 10 years, I just cannot believe it :)
>you are a newbie ;)
>>As a workaround for this particular problem, I run gnome-settings-daemon
>>from the e-exec line or from the 'run' command in e17, this seems to
>>handle the xscreensaver without throwing the extra garbage lines in my
>>Thanks in advance,
>you are welcome, glad to help a
>3-times-longer-I-have-been-using-linux-guy  :)
Thanks for the info.  You really know how to make a guy feel like an
idiot.   I know its a patch, I've just never cared enough to find out
how to use them, as E17s the first thing I have done from cvs, and I've
never been in such a situation that I couldn't fix the code I was
compiling myself...

'man patch' has some good info, but I guess what I'm really wanting to
know is where to get information on the format of patch files so that i
can understand better how to read them.  I don't like the idea of just
'patch myfile' without knowing exactly whats getting changed, and the
whole "+ lines add stuff and -lines remove stuff" is not explanitory
enough, as there seems to be more information in those files than just
that.  I could be wrong, thats why I'm asking for clarification.

Thanks again, I think,


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