DRAKE_Dalfa-TheEnlightenedOne wrote:


i was try it, embrace module but i don understand the config :-p

can someone send an example of the config?
Here is my embrace config



# generic mandatory attributes:
# * title
# * type => plugin to use
# generic optional attributes:
#  * interval => poll interval in seconds (default is 60, but plugins
#    might override this)
# each plugin may read additional attributes:
# pop3 and imap: str host, int port, str user, str pass, int ssl (boolean)
# mbox, maildir, imap and sylpheed: str path
# sylpheed: str mailbox, str folder

mkdir -p $CONFIGPATH

edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/theme str "default"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/num_mailboxes int 1

edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/title str "inbox"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/host str "pop.gmail.com"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/port int 995
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/type str "pop3"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/user str "your user name"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/pass str "your password"
edb_ed $DB add /$NAME/mailbox1/ssl int 1


Ha d Bra
Five rules for eternal misery: (1) Always try to exhort others to look upon you 
favorably. (2) Make lots of assumptions about situations and be sure to treat 
these assumptions as though they are reality. (3) Then treat each new situation 
as though it's a crisis. (4) Live in the past and future only (become obsessed 
with how much better things might have been or how much worse things might 
become). (5) Occasionally stomp on yourself for being so stupid as to follow 
the first four rules.

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