On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 14:51:07 +1030,
   Lachlan Gunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Hi,
| I'm using E17, but as of late I have found that newly-added icons will
| disappear after a restart.  Space for them is allocated, but nothing
| appears in the space (although it is still responsive to mouse clicks.
|  A screenshot showing this is at http://users.on.net/~flynne/ibar.png.
|  Has anyone else come across this problem before?

I have the same problem as you with e17 built on 21 Jan.
In my case the icons created with EAP editor disappear
while the ones that I made with edc files don't.


Yasufumi Haga   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fingerprint:0EFA 299A BC32 7D68 1FEF  BA2B 804E 9B15 C4F0 F9F0

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