On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 23:31:04 +0100 Christian Walther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 19/01/06, The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:12:38 +0100 Christian Walther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > babbled:
> [...]
> > hmm - well follow it and help us figure otu "what it is" as as a develoepr i
> > dont see any "Freezes" here and i do use e all day, every day, on every
> > machine
> > i have, so to fix it, if it is indeed e, we need as much info as possible,
> > as
> > its not reproducable here.
> I set up one of my PCs using Gentoo, and I just compiled Enlightenment
> from CVS using the ebuilds supplied. E runs stable, no problems
> whatsoever. It's a fine day to day experience working with it.
> But the configuration I experienced the freeze with for the first time
> was different:
> It was a x86-Box running Debian/Unstable with the stock X-Server. I
> downloaded the most recent versions of the tools and libraries needed
> to compile E, and installed them to /usr/local.

well i'll just point out that this wasn't necessarty. debian sarge and unstable
both have all the packages u need - u dont need to download and compile
anything that isn't in cvs for e17 to work (since e17 needs just eet, evas,
ecore, embryo and edje - that's a very limited set of needs too)

> So the systems currently contains two versions of most graphic
> libraries and stuff like automake, autoconf, libtool.

you could be running into problems by compilign against 1 header file and
runtime it's linking against a different lib version. i smell "user error"
here. never have 2 minor versions of a lib installed in different dirs - ever
(unless u know EXACTLY what u are doing). even major versions may have issues
as the oroginal source for libpng for example may use different major .so
versiosn to debina as debian patch things. as i suspect this may be one of your
problems. my suggestion is to entirely nuke /usr/local on that box, install the
PACKAGES u need (zlib1g-dev, libc6-dev, libpng-dev, libjpeg-dev,
libfreetype6-dev, xlibs-dev, libxcursor-dev, libxrender-dev, libxp-dev,
libxinerama-dev, xserver-xorg) then use the tarballs on
enlightenment.freedesktop.org to save needing the autofoo packages (autoconf,
automake1.7, libtool, gettext, autotools-dev, autoconf-archive, pkg-config)

> I started Enlightenment using Apples X11 with Xnest, so I logged on to
> the "server" and exported a display.
> The other day I made another test using my Gentoo-Box and XDMCP, it
> freezed, too.
> I'm currently willing to blame the build environment on my Debian box,
> it might be flaky and the configure-scripts, the compiler or the
> linker might get lost with the different versions.
> The version of X is 6.8.2.dfsg.1-11.

as i said - i think it's your method of buildimg duplicating things in debian
already ans setting up an environment headed for disaster.

> > > I have a few questions, thou. I saw that there's a kind of file
> > > manager being available from the main menu. Are you planning to extend
> > > its features? What about AppDir-Support then?
> >
> > errr - as in an application is actually a dir containing the executable(s),
> > libs, datafiles and u can run it just by launching the dir (as opposed to
> > opening the dir up to browse) ? if so - i think we will need a good set of
> > EXAMPLEs of this as no apps really come shipped this way in linux or bsd or
> > solaris for example (and most devs use linux, some use osx, or bsd).
> Because of this most "App-Dirs" I know of are in fact just wrappers
> for applications installed in a standard way. But it's still nice to
> work with these wrappers, because they allow you to just double click
> on them, you can drag'n'drop files onto them. Well designed wrappers
> also contain links to their documentation, so you can right click and
> select "Help..."

i know - good idea. frankly much better than the way "unix" does things. unix's
fs is designed around efficiency of storage when trying to mount things across
nfs between architectures (so u can keep the same data and change what lib and
bin dirs are mounted where on what) and a lot of legacy goop. i've never been
happy with it at all. but - thats how things are done around here and changing
it basically means a new distro, or a lot of hand-work.

> The "AppDirs" I know are pretty simple, firstly there is a file called
> .DirIcon which contains a small Icon that is displayed instead of a
> simple Directory-Icon. Upon double click this directory is scanned for
> an executable file called "AppRun". If it doesn't exist, the directory
> is just opened like any other normal directory, if it exists the file
> is executed instead.
> Any drag'n'drop operation to this directory will execute AppRun too,
> but will give the pathname of the dragged item as argument.
> Optionally there is an "AppInfo.xml" found in such a directory that
> can be used to display information about the app, such as author,
> version number, homepage and a very short description...

ok- but where's an EXAMPLE? like a package that uses it? even a brief spec?

> In general thats all, but I have to admit that there are a few issues
> to discuss when it comes down to Enlightenment. The Icons are set
> manually for example, so they probably won't match a selected theme.

well - believe it or not, the icons can be replaced by the theme - thats all
already there and done. icons need to provide an icon class (a string listing a
set of groups the icon belongs in going from most to least specific) and a
theme can replace them with its own icon images. e already searches for this
info when displaying an eap icon. the built-in eap icon is the default for the
icon when a theme doesnt provide a replacement. example. an icon provides an
icon class of: "firefox,mozilla,browser,internet" E will first look for the
theme provideing a rpelacement icon for "firefiox" - if there is none, look for
"mozilla", if not, look for "browser" and finally look for an "internet" icon -
if none of these exist, e will just use the built-in icon. all the them has to
do is provide theme groups called:


etc. - under the icons/ toplevel just provide replacement icons. as long as
icons have an icon CLASS thagt allows multiple fallbacks etc. you are good to
go and can re-theme every icon u know.

> So it could be a nice idea to have a "default override" that doesn't
> display the .DirIcon, but looks into the themes icon directory for an
> icon matching the directory name, displaying this instead.
> But this would mean that every theme author would have to supply a set
> of icons for many applications...
> It might be possible to generate such an icon automatically, for
> example by supplying a kind of mask that acts as an overlay of a
> default theme icon.
> Anyway, if I consider what the integrated Filemanager is supposed to
> do, at least the second part might be oversized for it. ;-)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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