Von: "Martin Hauser"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> I don't see any problem writing a shell-script for the checkout _as long as_
> you have some
> reasonable sleep before trying again (hmm, maybe give it 15 minutes, maybe
> try twice (taking into
> account that it worked after the 2. try 90% of the time and then wait for an
> hour or so...). As said
> below retries generate additional load on a group of already overloaded cvs
> servers. Someone said
> that sourceforge is victim to it's own success and there you can feel it's
> true. If stuff's not working
> just go ahead and try the thinktux mirror.

that sounds better than the earlier detractive reply by someone else. Infact 
there is a sleep inside my script. My intention was to present the basic 
algorithm and not the implementation. 

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