On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 02:52:38PM -0500, Mitch Gorman wrote:
> Toby 'qubit' Cubitt wrote:
> >On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 01:53:08PM -0500, RockerZ71 wrote:
> >
> >>thanks for the replies, it works again.
> >>
> >>Is there no way to have the scrollwheel still change desktops when the 
> >>pointer is over the desktop and also cycle through the windows in engage 
> >>when the pointer is inside the module?
> >
> >See Mitch's reply (only delete the CONTEXT=CONTAINER wheel
> >bindings). 
> > 
>    actually, i posted too soon... removing just the container context 
> bindings does NOT permit the scrollwheel to cycle desktops, when the 
> pointer isn't over engage.  i don't know what the right combination of 
> arcane symbols and muttered incantations actually is.

It sounded so reasonable you had me convinced!

It's difficult for me to play with adding wheel bindings for different
contexts, since I've deleted all my wheel bindings and don't have
examples to work from (what should the Direction and Z parameters be
for instance?). But I guess trying bindings for each possible context
in turn (there's a list of them in the keybindings configuration panel
entry) should either reveal one that works, or that none do the right

Of course, maybe someone who actually knows what they're talking about
will post an explanation and avoid the experimental approach...

PhD Student
Quantum Information Theory group
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
Garching, Germany

web: www.dr-qubit.org

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